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Difficult Dialogues

Difficult Dialogues 2006-2013

This website contains archives of the first iteration of Clark University's Difficult Dialogues (2006-2013), then an initiative of Clark's Higgins School of Humanities.


Difficult DialoguesInviting Dialogue: Renewing the Deep Purposes of Higher Education

The Higgins School has published a document that recounts the growth of the Difficult Dialogues project at Clark, and offers a number of resources for further exploration of the work of dialogue.

From the introduction: The work of the Difficult Dialogues initiative at Clark began when we responded to the Ford Foundation call for proposals in the Spring of 2005. Though there was a range of more specific issues and incentives behind their call, we took dialogue itself as our path. Examining discourse on our campus, we began to explore the possibilities for more mindful and fruitful exchanges in classrooms, campus life, faculty governance, and in relationships with the larger community.

View the document: Inviting Dialogue [PDF]