Difficult Dialogues


Difficult Dialogues Proposal
As presented by Clark University to the Ford Foundation, in the fall of 2005.

As exemplified by its motto, "Challenge Convention. Change the World," Clark University has long espoused values of engagement, asking difficult questions and engendering dynamic change through critical thinking. The University sees itself as a place that takes these issues seriously and has made specific efforts in these directions…(more)

The Dialogue Process

PCP Dialogue Process Overview [PDF]

Dialogue Tip Sheet from The Democratic Dialogue Network [PDF]

Partnering with Confusion and Uncertainty by Margaret Wheatley [DOC]

The Courage to Think Together: An Interview with Margaret Wheatley
by Kali Saposnick [DOC]

The Art of Dialogue by Patricia Romney, Americans for the Arts [PDF]

Other recommended readings:

Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together by William Isaacs

On Dialogue by David Bohm

The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge

Dialogues and Discussions by Jon-Kabat-Zinn (an excerpt from Coming to Our Senses: Healing Ourselves and the World through Mindfulness)

Dialogue and Democracy

Seeking an American Identity (Working Inward from the Margins)
by Suzanne Lacy [PDF]

Democracy & Dialogues: Challenges for Democracy in the 21st Century by Braulia Thillet de Solorzano [PDF]

The Open Space of Democracy by Terry Tempest Williams

When the Medium is the Message: Promoting Ethical Action through Democratic Dialogue, Bruce L. Mallory and Nancy L. Thomas, Change, September/Ocotber 2003. [PDF]
A vision for the impact of sustained dialogues on the life and work of college communities.

Other recommended readings:

Breaking the Cultural Trance by Robert Inchausti, Fetzger Institute, Spring 2004

Discourse and Democracy Hedgehog Review, Fall 2004, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, University of Virginia

Democracy's Edge by Francis Lappe, 2006

Cosmopolitanism/Ethics in a World of Strangers by Kwame Anthony Appiah, Norton 2006

Dialogue and Pedagogy

Love and Knowledge: Recovering the Heart of Learning through Comtemplation by Arthur Zajonc [PDF]

Infed: Dialogue and Conversation

Other recommended readings:

Spitwad Sutras by Robert Inchausti, Bergin & Garvey 1993

Dialogue and the Arts

INROADS: The Intersection of Art and Dialogue by Pam Korza, Andrea Assaf, Barbara Schaffer Bacon [PDF]