Research Interests



Since 1988 I have been exploring several different areas of mental health treatment research.  I  have always been interested in the reasons, explanations, and causes that people offer for problems in living, and how these are related to treatment preferences, experiences, and outcomes.  Our research group has been exploring the different ways people account for problems such as depression and anxiety in questionnaire and interview formats.  We’re also involved in a 5 year NIMH funded study focused on disseminating an empirically supported treatment for panic disorder to a clinical practice setting.  Although there are numerous effective psychotherapy treatments for various problems, very few of these have been evaluated in real-world settings.  Our current research is therefore focused clearly on the relationships between science and practice in clinical psychology.

More recently I have become interested in the psychology of men and masculinity.   I’m particularly interested in the way gender socialization is related to help-seeking from friends, family, and health care professionals.  We are currently beginning a series of studies examining the reasons different men offer for seeking or not seeking help.  Ultimately, we hope to develop brief community interventions that educate men about gender socialization and enhance the likelihood that they will seek needed help.   My publications and course syllabi address some of my interests in more detail.






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