Intro Biology
Seminar in Cell Biology
Cell Biology
Signal Transduction
Developmental Biology

137 Cell Biology/Lecture, Laboratory

The cell as a functional unit is discussed from the molecular level to the whole cell. Included are introductions to the biochemistry and metabolic roles of some of the molecules and macromolecules that are found in cells. Also discussed are the evolution, structure, and function of the various subcellular organelles and the cytoskeleton. Emphasis is placed on understanding the molecular mechanisms behind cell physiology and the experimental methods used to determine those mechanisms. Prerequisites: Biology 101 and 102.

Dapi Staining showing multinucleated mutant cells isolated
in Cell Biology Lab, Fall 2001

Schematic representation of semester long research project.

Rather than work through the usual cookbook-type laboratory exercises to expose students to various methods of studying cells and cell biology we will attempt a new and hopefully rewarding approach. Although the more traditional approach has been successful in the past (and we will follow that approach for some of the exercises this year), we will also conduct, as a class, a semester-long original research project. In this research project we will attempt to generate and characterize new cell lines that are defective in one stage of cell division. Students will be exposed to cell mutagenesis, cell culture methods, cell selection, and phenotypic characterizations. This will be original research and has the potential of developing into a research project that can be continued by one or several students beyond the semester. However, since it is original research, the success of the project cannot be guaranteed; this will be determined largely by the effort the students put into the project and a how lucky they are.