Faculty Biography

Laura M. Graves

Professor Emeritus

School of Management
Clark University
Worcester, MA 01610-1477

Phone: 508-793-7466
Email: lgraves@clarku.edu
Curriculum Vitae for Dr. Graves

PhD, University of Connecticut

Research Interests

Work motivation, work-life integration, corporate environmental sustainability, managing diversity.

Teaching Courses

Organizational Leadership

Advanced Organizational Leadership

Special Topics Courses

Key Publications/Presentations

Graves, L. M., & Karabayeva, A.  (2020).  Managing virtual workers – strategies for success. Engineering Management Review, 48(2), 166-172. Online ISSN: 1937-4178 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/EMR.2020.2990386

Graves, L. M., & Powell, G. N.  (2019).  Making employment decisions.  In G. Powell, Women and men in management (5th edition, pp. 83-110). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.  

Graves, L. M., & Powell, G. N.  (2019).  Working in diverse teams.  In G. Powell, Women and men in management (5th edition, pp. 111-132). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Graves, L. M., Sarkis, J., & Gold, N. (2019).  Employee proenvironmental behaviors in Russia: The roles of top management commitment, managerial leadership, and employee motives.  Resources, Conservation, and Recycling, 140, 54-64.

Graves, L. M., & Sarkis, J.  (2018).  The role of employees’ perceptions of leaders, values, and motivation in employees’ proenvironmental behaviors.  Journal of Cleaner Production, 196, 576-587.

Graves, L. M., & Cullen-Lester, K. L.  (2016).  To reduce turnover – focus on employee motivation.  American Management Association Quarterly, 2(2), 26-28.

Cullen-Lester, K. L., & Graves, L. M.  (2016).  More than money – promoting managers’ internal motivation.  Training, 53(4), 20. 

Graves, L. M., Cullen, K. L., Lester, H. F, Ruderman, M.N., & Gentry, W. A.  (2015). Managerial motivational profiles: Composition, antecedents, and consequences.  Journal of Vocational Behavior, 87, 32-42.

Graves, L. M., Sarkis, J., & Zhu, Q.  (2013).  How transformational leadership and employee motivation combine to predict employee proenvironmental behavior in China.  Journal of Environmental Psychology, 35, 81-91.

Deal, J. J., Stawiski, S., Graves, L. M., Gentry, W. A., Weber, T. J., & Ruderman, M. N.  (2013). Motivation at work: What matters more, generation or organizational level?  Consulting Psychology Journal, 65, 1-16.

Graves, L. M., & Luciano, M. M. (2013).  Self-determination at work: Understanding the role of leader-member exchange.  Motivation and Emotion, 37, 518-536.

Graves, L. M., Ruderman, M. N., Ohlott, P. J., & Weber, T. (2012).  Driven to work and enjoyment of work: Effects on managers’ outcomes.  Journal of Management, 38, 1655-1680.

Deal, J. J., Stawiski, S., Graves, L. M., Gentry, W. A., Ruderman, M., & Weber, T.  (2012).  Perceptions of authority and leadership: A cross-national, cross-generational investigation.  In E. Ng, S. Lyons, & L. Schweitzer (Eds.), Managing the new workforce: International perspectives on the millennial generation (pp. 281-306).  Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Graves L. M. & Sarkis, J.  (2012).  Fostering employee proenvironmental behavior: The impact of leadership and motivation.  In D. R. Gallagher (Ed.), Environmental  leadership: A reference handbook (pp.  161-171).  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Graves, L. M., & Powell, G. N.  (2008).  Sex and race discrimination in personnel decisions.  In S. Cartwright and C. L. Cooper (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of personnel psychology (pp. 438-463), Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Graves, L. M., Ohlott, P. J., & Ruderman, M. N.  (2007).  Commitment to family roles: Effects on managers’ attitudes and performance.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 44-56.