Peace Psychology Resource Project
Sponsored by the
Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence
Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association

Available Resources


Peace Psychology Syllabi available through the Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology including:

H-Peace Syllabi Project - A collection of syllabi related to Peace History and Peace Studies. Syllabi topics include:

Curriculum Resources

PowerPoint Presentation on Peace Psychology  click here
            Authored by Dan Christie, Eduardo Diaz, Joe de Rivera, and Linden Nelson

Graduate Level Curriculum for Trauma Intervention and Conflict Resolution In Ethnopolitical Warfare

Authored by the Ethnopolitical Warfare Curriculum Conference Planning Task Force of the Steering Committee of the Joint Initiative on Ethnopolitical Warfare of theAmerican and Canadian Psychological Associations. Secretariat of the Task Force: Psychologists for Social Responsibility, National Office, Washington, DC, May 1, 2001. Click here for more information.

Curriculum resources available through the Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology:
Incorporating Genocide, Ethnopolitical Conflict, and Human Rights Issues Into the Psychology Curriculum: Informational Resources (2000), Linda M. Woolf, Webster University

This 27-page document contains two annotated bibliographies of materials on genocide, ethnopolitical conflict, and human rights issues written from a psychosocial perspective. The first bibliography includes major journal articles, book chapters, books, and Internet resources on these issues organized by topic. The second bibliography is comprised of reference materials for background information and further study. In addition, there is an annotated list of relevant journals.

Incorporating Genocide, Ethnopolitical Conflict, and Human Rights Issues Into the Psychology Curriculum: Instructional Resources (2000), Linda M. Woolf, Webster University

This 32-page document consists of resource materials for developing whole courses and lectures on genocide, ethnopolitical conflict, and human rights issues. For incorporating specific topics into existing courses, lecture suggestions and selected references are given. For developing and revising whole courses, sample syllabi are provided. In addition, lists of relevant videotapes, Web sites, Internet discussion lists, and professional organizations are included.

Expanding the Psychology Curriculum: An Annotated Bibliography on Diversity in Psychology (Revised, 1998) ,

Developed by the APA Board of Educational Affair's Task Force on Diversity Issues at the Precollege and Undergraduate Levels of Education in Psychology

Including Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Students on Campus: A Short Annotated Reading List (1994), Burrton Woodruff (for the Society's Task Force on Diversity)

Teaching Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychology: Informational Resources for Teaching Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychology (1998), G. William Hill, IV,Kennesaw State University

Activities and Videos for Teaching Cross-Cultural Issues in Psychology (1998), G. William Hill, IV, Kennesaw State University

International Psychology: A Compendium of Textbooks for Selected Courses Evaluated for International Content (2002), Linda M. Woolf, Michael R. Hulsizer, and Tracey McCarthy, Webster University

International Psychology: Annotated Bibliography, Relevant Organizations, and Course Suggestions (2002), Linda M. Woolf, Michael R. Hulsizer, and Tracey McCarthy, Webster University

Classroom Activities and Lecture Resources

Activities and lecture information available from Psychologists for Social Responsibility:

Groupthink Vaccine

Basic information, resources, and teaching tools on groupthink, including PsySR PowerPoint Presentation on Groupthink

PsySR's Historic 1989 Manual on Enemy Images in PDF format

Powerpoint Presentation on Enemy Images: Available for Use in Classrooms and Communities (simply acknowledge PsySR's Action Committee on Conflict Resolution)

PsySR Media Watch Project

The Peace Education Action Committee of PsySR has also provided a number of links to committee projects and reports. These reports include:

  • Graduate programs in peace psychology
  • Evaluation of middle school peace education curricula
  • Peace education from a psychological perspective
Activity resource available through the Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology:

Simulation of a World Congress of Sexology Symposium on AIDS (2001), Debra B. Hull, Wheeling Jesuit University

This project describes a simulation that helps develop intercultural awareness and appreciation, and skills in data collection, analysis, and synthesis; written and oral communication; and group cooperation. Students in a human sexuality course select a country to represent, then prepare a working paper on AIDS in that country, covering such topics as history, incidence, transmission, educational efforts, research focus, and governmental policies. The working paper also forms the basis for a proposed resolution, written by each student, to address major AIDS-related concerns in the student's country. During a class simulation of a World Congress on AIDS, including formal debate and informal caucuses, students present concerns of their countries, form coalitions of countries with similar needs, and work together to approve resolutions.

Textbook Information

Christie, D. J., Wagner, R. V., & Winter, D. D. (Eds.) (2001). Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace Psychology for the 21st    Century. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Deutsch, M. and Coleman, P.T. & Marcus, E.C. (Eds.) (2006). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. San     Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

de Rivera, J. (Ed.), 2009. Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace. New York, NY:  Springer.

Long, W. & Brecke, P (2003). War and Reconciliation: Reason and Emotion in Conflict Resolution. Cambridge, Md: Cambridge MIT Press.

MacNair, R. M. (2003). The psychology of peace: An introduction. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Mayton, D.M. (2009). Nonviolence and Peace Psychology: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Societal, and World Peace. New York: Springer.

Schwebel, Milton (2003). Remaking America's Three School Systems: Now Separate and Unequal. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Education Press.


Education Including Undergraduate and Graduate School Information

Directory of Peace Psychology Courses  2009 - 2010 - Open the Word Document

This effort to collect information about peace psychology courses was initiated in March 2009 with announcements on the Internet lists for APA Division 48 [div48announce] and for the peace education subgroups of Div. 48 and Psychologists for Social Responsibility [psysr-pe-announce].  The announcement asked readers to provide information about such courses “if a college or university of which you are affiliated currently offers what you would consider to be a course in peace psychology.”  The announcement was also circulated on the Peace Education Commission listserv and a European social psychology listserv, and the search for relevant courses included examination of syllabi on Web sites for the International Society of Political Psychology and the Social Psychology Network.  Additional courses were identified in surveys of Div. 48 members in spring 2010 that included the request “if you teach a course that involves peace psychology please list the title here.”

The directory has two parts.  The first list includes only those courses that include both the word “psychology” and the word “peace” in the course title.  The second list includes all other courses that survey responders identified as “peace psychology courses” or as “courses involving peace psychology” regardless of the course titles.  Both lists include only courses that are currently or regularly offered.  Each course entry includes title of course, teacher’s name if available, institution name, institution location, and contact information.  Most of the listings are undergraduate courses, but some are graduate level [the announcement did not ask for course level]. 


International Peace And Conflict

Website with links to many useful guides on MA and PhD programs in
peace and conflict resolution, internships, scholarships, fellowships,funding, careers, and more:

Peace Psychology Graduate Program
: The Psychology of Peace and Prevention of Violence

The University of Massachusetts-Amherst has announced the creation of a new graduate program, The Psychology of Peace and Prevention of Violence. Click here for More Information .

Robin's Directory of College and University Peace Studies Programs - Including Links to Online Course Lists and Syllabi

Distance Training on Peacekeeping is provided by The United Nations Institute for Training and Research Programme of Correspondence Instruction (UNITAR POCI)

Discussion Lists

Division 48's E-Mail Discussion Lists
  • APA Division Listserv - This listserv is open to members of Division 48 and APA. To subscribe, send a message stating in the body of the text, "SUBSCRIBE DIV48" to LISTSERV@LISTS.APA.ORG


  • PeacePsych Listserv - This is a moderated listserv open to anyone interested in peace psychology. For more information, including subscription instructions, go to PeacePsych Listserv Page.

    Peace Education Listserv - This is a moderated listserv open to anyone interested in peace education.  Announcements are sent 2-3 times a month concerning peace education resources and events and describing projects of the Div. 48 Peace and Education Working Group.  For more information, including subscription instructions, contact Linden Nelson at

Peace Education Commission Discussion List - To subscribe, send the message "subscribe pec your name" without the quotation marks to

Peace Discussion List - To subscribe send the message "SUBSCRIBE PEACE" without the quotation marks to majordomo@csf.colorado.

Discussion Lists for Psychology Faculty

  • CommColl is an electronic discussion list for faculty at two-year institutions. To subscribe send a message saying "SUBSCRIBE COMMCOLL your name" to

  • PsychNews is an electronic discussion list for teachers of high school psychology. To subscribe send a message saying "SUBSCRIBE PSYCH-NEWS your name" to

  • PsychTeacher is a moderated electronic discussion list for high school and college/university teachers of psychology. To subscribe send a message saying "SUBSCRIBE PYSCHTEACHER your name" to

    TIPS (Teaching In the Psychological Sciences) is on an electronic discussion list for teachers of psychology. To subscribe send a message saying "SUBSCRIBE TIPS your name" to

Additional Links and Resources

This page is maintained by Linda M. Woolf. Please direct questions and comments to her.

Linda M. Woolf's Homepage

APA Division Page

Copyright 2003 APA Division 48, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence. All rights reserved. Copyright Policy. Copyright in this web site is owned by APA Division 48, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence. Copyright in individual articles and similar items are generally owned by the author(s), except as otherwise noted. You may review the materials in this site for information purposes and may download and print one copy of the materials for your own personal use, including use in your classes and/or sharing with individual colleagues. No other permission is granted to you to print, copy, reproduce, or distribute additional copies of these materials. Anyone who wishes to print, copy, reproduce or distribute additional copies must obtain the permission of the copyright owner.

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