Green Supply Chain Management in China: Drivers, Practices and Performance

Qinghua Zhu, Joseph Sarkis, Yong Geng

International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 449-468, 2005.

Green supply chain management (GSCM) has emerged as a key approach for enterprises seeking to become sustainable.  This paper describes the empirical results of a survey among various Chinese manufacturing organizations.  Initially, we introduce current environmental awareness, practices and performance of GSCM in general and in Chinese enterprises.  This background sets the foundation for propositions that will be evaluated using the empirical data.  An outline of our research method is then presented.  Research findings of a descriptive nature are then discussed with an evaluation and comparative analysis with previous research findings. The paper concludes with some suggestions with a particular emphasis on future GSCM and operational concerns of Chinese manufacturing company managers and policy makers.

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