Choosing a Trap Site

The mosquito traps that you have been given work because they act as small habitats for mosquitoes.  They provide a pool of water and a damp surface on which mosquitoes can lay their eggs.  When selecting a site for your traps you want to place them as near to natural mosquito habitats as you can.  To do this there are three key factors to keep in mind:
Damp:  When mosquito eggs hatch, young mosquitoes come out in the form of larvae.  Mosquito larvae live entirely in water so the eggs must be near water when they hatch.  For this reason mosquito females select areas with standing water to lay their eggs, and it is for this reason that traps should be placed in damp sites.  If the trap dries out then females won’t want to lay their eggs there.  Here are some ways to select a damp site: Good Trap Site 1

Good Trap Site 2 Dark: Darkness is another way of preserving the water in the trap.  If an area is dark, then sunlight cannot hit the water and increase evaporation.  Some good dark areas include underneath porches, under low branches, and beside fallen trees.

Protected: The mosquito traps are very small and very light and so are vulnerable to disturbance.  Strong winds, heavy rain, animals, and other people could knock them over if the traps are left in the open.  To keep the traps upright and full of water, choose a site that is protected from the elements (like wind and rain) and is unlikely to be encountered by animals or humans.  Some good protected areas include nestled against tree trunks (for example between above-ground roots), against a large rock, underneath low branches, and against the side of a house.
Good Trap Site 3