Difficult Dialogues


The Difficult Dialogues Initiative
Nationwide, there are 43 colleges and universities involved in the Difficult Dialogues program.

National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
NCDD's mission is to bring together and support people, organizations, and resources in ways that expand the power of discussion to benefit society. We believe that elevating the quality of thinking and communication in organizations and among citizens is key to solving humanity's most pressing problems.


The Dialogue Process

* The Ashland Institute
The Ashland Institute teaches the personal and collective capabilities needed to fulfill the promise of collaboration and creative community. Their offerings focus on skilled Dialogue and individual anchoring in Essential Self—both necessary to thrive in the intensities of our time.

* Center for Contemplative Mind in Society
The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society is a non-profit organization which works to integrate contemplative awareness and contemporary life, to help create a more just, compassionate, and reflective society.

The Co-Intelligence Institute
This ability to wisely organize our lives together—all of us being wiser together than any of us could be alone—we call co-intelligence. This site includes hundreds of articles and references describing proven methods, innovative models, practical visions and the theoretical frameworks that weave them all together. It has rightly been called a treasure-trove. Welcome to its resources.

* Dialogos
Dialogos is a world leader and pioneer in the theory and practice of dialogue, organizational learning and collective leadership.

* Public Conversations Project
The Public Conversations Project (PCP) helps people with fundamental disagreements over divisive issues develop the mutual understanding and trust essential for strong communities and positive action.

The World Cafe
This website contains a wealth of information and resources you can use to host your own World Café dialogues. We hope you'll be moved to engage in "conversations that matter" with your family and friends, as well as within your organizations and communities

Wosk Centre for Dialogue
The Wosk Centre is an intellectual home and an advocate for dialogue. At the Centre practitioners, researchers and students of dialogue probe the nature of dialogue—that process of interaction whereby open-minded discussion leads to mutual understanding and positive action—and they nurture it in practice.

* consultant to Clark University's Difficult Dialogues program


Dialogue and Democracy

Animating Democracy
Animating Democracy, a program of Americans for the Arts Institute for Community Development and the Arts, fosters arts and cultural activity that encourages and enhances civic engagement and dialogue.

By the People
By the People provides many opportunities for local public television stations, community organizations and community colleges to creatively engage the public in meaningful and informed dialogue about the pressing issues of the day.

Democratic Dialogue Network
Observing the dynamism inherent to human processes, we contribute to the discovering and strengthening of communication and interchange spaces that allow energies, wills and knowledge to flow in order to foster a joint building of a peaceful coexistence.

The World Cafe
This website contains a wealth of information and resources you can use to host your own World Café dialogues. We hope you'll be moved to engage in "conversations that matter" with your family and friends, as well as within your organizations and communities.


Dialogue and Pedagogy

Diversity Web
The most comprehensive compendium of campus practices and resources about diversity in higher education that you can find anywhere. This site is designed to serve campus practitioners seeking to place diversity at the center of the academy's educational and societal mission.


Dialogue in the Arts

Animating Democracy
Animating Democracy, a program of Americans for the Arts Institute for Community Development and the Arts, fosters arts and cultural activity that encourages and enhances civic engagement and dialogue.


Dialogue and Culture

Dropping Knowledge
Dropping Knowledge's mission is to provide a globally accessible educational source and online network of knowledge, opinions and ideas, in order to enable people to gather, take-up and reflect on multiple viewpoints of important global values and issues of our time. The aim is to transfer the knowledge into society, to stimulate critical thought, to generate wisdom and simultaneously create a dialogue between people and their communities.

The Institute for 21st Century Agoras
The Institute for 21st Century Agoras is a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to vigorous democracy on the model of that practiced in the agoras of ancient Greece. It employs Co-Laboratories of Democracy that enable civil dialogue in complex situations.

The Southern Poverty Law Center
The Southern Poverty Law Center was founded in 1971 as a small civil rights law firm. Today, the Center is internationally known for its tolerance education programs, its legal victories against white supremacists and its tracking of hate groups.