Credits and permissions:
Cover illustration from photo by author of Piltdown Man pub sign; permission to reproduce by Linda and Ron Hunt, owners, The Piltdown Man, East Sussex; permission by Punch to reproduce its cartoon; permission to reproduce cartoon Big Daddy by Chick Publications.
Geological Society of London: Photos by and permission to reproduce: Piltdown gravel bed, Elephant femur with slab, Royal Academy Portrait, Sherborne horse's head, Portrait of Lewis Abbott, and Eoanthropus, Homo, Simia.
Wellcome Institute Museum: photo by and permission to reproduce: Kitchen middens.
British Museum (Natural History): photo by and permission to reproduce: Workers at pit with goose. My appreciation to the Trustees, British Museum (Natural History) for permission to reproduce pictures from its monographs "Solution to the Piltdown Problem" and "Further Contributions to the Solution of the Piltdown Problem": Misaligned molars and canine, Abrasion of cusps, Paleolithic flint implements, and Fossilized cricket bat. The photos reproduced here were taken by Professor Frank Carpenter. I also thank the Trustees for making Piltdown archival material available.
Mark Mancevice illustrated Map of the weald, Nomenclature, Critical mistake, Ecco Homo?, New finds and Eoanthropus, Beringer's lying stones, and Homo diluvii testis.
Charles Kidd: photo of Piltdown Man with author.
THE PILTDOWN INQUEST. Copyright @ 1986 by Charles Blinderman. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Inquiries should be addressed to Prometheus Books, 700 East Amherst Street, Buffalo, New York 14215.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Blinderman, Charles, 1930-
The Piltdown inquest.
Bibliography: p.
1. Piltdown forgery-History. 1. Title.
GN282.5.1155 1986 573.3 86-20485
ISBN 0-87975-359-5