Faculty Biography

Robert Cameron Mitchell, Ph.D.

Graduate School of Geography
Clark University
Worcester, MA 01610-1477

Curriculum Vitae

Professor Robert Mitchell received his Ph.D. (in sociology) from Northwestern University in 1970.  Before coming to Clark he taught at Swarthmore College and Penn State University and was a Senior Fellow at Resources for the Future a nonprofit research organization in Washington D.C.  He  retired from Clark at the end of the 2002 academic year as Professor Emeritus.

Selected Publications

Valuation of Natural Resources / Contingent Valuation

Richard T. Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell (Forthcoming)  "Public Preferences Toward Environmental Risks The Case of Trihalomethanes,"  in  Anna Alberini, David Bjornstad and Jim Kahn, eds, Handbook of Contingent Valuation (Brookfield, VT: Edward Elgar).

Richard T. Carson, et al. including Robert Cameron Mitchell (2004)  Valuing Oil Spill Prevention: A Case Study of California's Central Coast (Dordrecht: Kluwer). 256 pp plus CD.

Christopher G. Leggett et al. including Robert Cameron Mitchell (2003) “Social Desirability Bias in Contingent Valuation Surveys Administered Through In-Person Interviews”, Land Economics, 79, 561-575.

Jon A.  Krosnick et al. including Robert Cameron Mitchell,  (2002).  "The Impact of "No Opinion" Response Options on Data Quality:  Prevention of Non-Attitude Reporting or an Invitation to Satisfice?"  Public Opinion Quarterly, 66, 371-403.

Robert Cameron Mitchell, " (2002) On Designing Constructed Markets in Valuation Surveys", Environmental and Resource Economics, Special Issue, 22, 297-321.

Allison L. Holbrook, Jon A. Krosnick, Richard T. Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell,  (2000) "Violating Conversational Conventions Disrupts Cognitive Processing of Attitude Questions," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 465-494.

Richard T. Carson . al including Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1998) "The Impact of "No Opinion Response Options on Data Quality in a Contingent Valuation Survey." The Review of Economics and Statistics, pp. 335-338.

Richard T. Carson, Nicholas E. Flores, and Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1997) "The Theory and Measurement of Passive Use Value," in Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and Practice of the Contingent Valuation Method in the US, EC, and Developing Countries, in I. Bateman and K. Willis, eds. (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 97-130.

Richard T. Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1995) "Sequencing and Nesting in Contingent Valuation Surveys," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 28, pp. 155-173.

Richard T. Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1993) "The Issue of Scope in Contingent Valuation Studies," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 75, 1263-1267.

Richard T. Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1993) "The Benefits of National Water Quality Improvements: A Contingent Valuation Study," Water Resources Research, 29, 7, 2445-2454.

Robert Cameron Mitchell and Richard T. Carson, Using Surveys to Value Public Goods:  The Contingent Valuation Method (1989)   (Washington, D.C.:  Resources for the Future/Johns Hopkins University Press), 480 pp.  Awarded 1998 prize for Publication of Enduring Value by the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.  [Japanese translation published by Sankaido  (2001)]

Social Movements / Environmental Movement

Robert Cameron Mitchell and Richard T. Carson, (2001) "Protest, Property Rights, and Hazardous Waste: A Reassessment," in Heyes, Anthony, ed.,Law and Economics of the Environment (Northhampton, MA, Edward Elgar), 368-389.

Robert Cameron Mitchell, Angela G. Mertig, and Riley E. Dunlap. (1991) "Twenty Years of Environmental Mobilization: Trends Among National Environmental Organizations," Society and Natural Resources, 4, 219-234. [Reprinted in Riley Dunlap and Angela Mertig, eds., American Environmentalism: the U.S. Environmental Movement, 1970-1990 (NY: Taylor and Francis, 1992).]

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1990) "Public Opinion and the Environmental Lobby: Poised for the 1990s?," in Norman Vig and Michael Kraft eds, Environmental Policy in the 1990s (Washington, D.C., Congressional Quarterly Press), 81-99.

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1989) "From Conservation to Environmental Movement: the Development of the Modern Environmental Lobbies," in Michael J. Lacey ed., Government and Environmental Politics: Essays on Historical Developments Since World War Two (Washington, D.C., Wilson Center Press), 81-113.

R. Kenneth Godwin and Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1986) "Rational Models, Collective Goods and Nonelectoral Political Behavior," Western Political Quarterly, 35, 2, 161-181 and "Rational Models, Original Objectives: A Rejoinder,” 188-192.

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1981) "From Elite Quarrel to Mass Movement (The Anti-Nuclear Movement)," Transaction/SOCIETY, 18, 5, July/August, 76-84.

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1979) "National Environmental Lobbies and the Apparent Illogic of Collective Action," in Clifford S. Russell, ed., Collective Decision Making: Applications from Rational Choice Theory (Baltimore, Md., The Johns Hopkins University Press) 87-123.

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1979) "Strains and Facilities in the Interpretation of an African Prophet Movement," in Louis Kriesberg, ed Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, vol. 2 (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press) 187-218.

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1970)  "Religious Protest and Social Change: The Origins of the Aladura Movement in Western Nigeria," in Robert I. Rotberg and Ali Mazuri (eds.), Power and Protest in Black Africa, (London: Oxford University Press). 458-496.

Environmental Public Opinion / Environmental Perception

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1990) "Public Opinion and the Environmental Lobby: Poised for the 1990s?," in Norman, Vig and Michael Kraft eds, Environmental Policy in the 1990s (Washington, D.C., Congressional Quarterly Press), 81-99.

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1984) "Rationality and Irrationality in the Public's Perception of Nuclear Power," in William Freudenberg and Eugene Rosa, eds., Nuclear Power and the Public (Boulder, CO.: Westview Press for the American Association for the Advancement of Science), 137-182.

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1984) "Public Opinion and Environmental Politics in the 1970s and 1980s," in Norman J. Vig and Michael E. Kraft, eds. Environmental Policy in the 1980s: the Impact of the Reagan Administration (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press,. 51-74.

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1982) "Public Response to a Major Failure of a Controversial Technology," in David L Sills, C.P. Wolf, and Vivien B. Shelanski, eds., Accident at Three Mile Island: The Human Dimensions, (Boulder, CO: Westview Press), 21-38.

Robert Cameron Mitchell. (1980) Public Opinion on Environmental Issues: Results of a National Opinion Survey, (Washington, D.C.: President's Council on Environmental Quality, 49 pp. Reprinted in the 1980 CEQ Annual Report.