Cyan–Magenta–Yellow (2007)
for flute, viola & cello
commissioned by the Mistral
duration: 7 minutes
download score (as pdf - 286 KB)
performance materials are available on request parts (n the form of individual parts or scores)
Full recording:
Cyan–Magenta–Yellow – Mistal
Program Notes cyan-magenta-yellow is a colorful bit of fun. It is organized around three contrasting musical ideas. The first is a soaring melodic line (first heard in the cello part) with a rhythmically active (even hyperactive) accompaniment. This section comes to a rather abrupt halt, and after a pause, is replaced by a slow moving choral, which is defined harmonically rather linearly. The third idea builds up to a contrapuntal texture. It begins with a solo line, which gradually separates and fractures into multiple lines. Once all of the ideas are introduced, rather than developing in more traditional ways, the musical ideas are reintroduced by cross-cutting in a manner analogous to cinematic montage. The piece ends with some rapid-fire combinations and a boisterous race to the finish. It is written for, and with thanks to Peter Sulski and Mistral
Performance History
March 2007, Clark University (Worcester, MA)