Joseph deRivera, Ph.D
Introduction to Peace Studies and Peace Psychology (PSTD 101/ Id 101/ PSYCH 176)
Can we manage the conflict in our personal life, our society, our world, so it results in development and justice rather than oppression and destruction? We consider four paths towards peace: strength, negotiation, justice, and personal transformation. Students are asked to develop their own stance towards achieving peace, to act on the basis of that stance, and to report what they discover.

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Social Psychology (PSYCH 170/ PSTD 170)
Examines love, fear, conflict, and other basic processes involved in group dynamics, interpersonal relations, community psychology, intergroup relations, organizational behavior, and the interface between human nature and culture. These basic processes are related to the attempt to achieve a world of peace and justice. In addition to quizzes and a final exam, students are asked to apply their knowledge of basic processes in a personal or political action. Prerequisite: Psych 101 or instructor's permission.

Laboratory in Emotion and Motivation (PSYCH 204)
A study is designed to examine how individual or collective emotions influence behavior. Data are gathered, analyzed and reported.

Psychology of Peacemaking (PSYCH 246)
Examines the psychological dimension that is always present in trying to achieve peace and justice within ourselves, in our interpersonal relationships, and in inter-group relations. Topics include political sociology, the management of aggression, negotiation, mediation, forgiveness, and training for the non-violent action necessary to achieve justice.

Emotion and Interpersonal Relationships (PSYCH 285)
What are emotions and how do they affect our behavior and our relationships? The course examines a number of theories.

Moral Development (PSYCH 317)
Attempts to integrate the literatures on moral development and prosocial behavior. Four problems are considered: (1) The relationship between justice and caring; (2) The social development of empathy and responsibility and the personal development of a moral identity; (3) The tension between the search for moral universality and the fact of cultural differences; (4) The relationship between abstract moral reasoning and concrete moral action.

Emotion and Interpersonal Relations (PSYCH 340)
Uses our knowledge of various emotional transformations (e.g., changes in self-boundary) to develop a precise language for the description of interpersonal phenomena such as merger-separation, dynamics, identification, and the dynamics of family constellations.