Hibbett Lab
last update February 2012
Clark University
  Manfred Binder





Fischer M. & Binder M. (1995). Phellinus species on Betula: Mating tests, RFLP analysis of enzymatical amplified rDNA and interrelations to Phellinus alni. Karstenia 35: 67–84.

Fischer M., Jarosch M., Binder M. & Besl H. (1997). Zur Systematik der Boletales: Suillus und verwandte Gattungen. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 63: 173–188.

Binder M., Besl H. & Bresinsky A. (1997). Agaricales oder Boletales? Molekularbiologische Befunde zur Zuordnung einiger umstrittener Taxa. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 63: 189–196.

Binder M. & Fischer M. (1997). Molekularbiologische Charakterisierung der Gattungen Boletellus Murr. und Xerocomus Quél.: Xerocomus pruinatus (Fr.& Hök) Quél. und verwandte Arten. Bolletino del Gruppo Micologica 40: 79–90.

Bresinsky A. & Binder M. (1998). Leratiomyces nom. nov. für eine bislang nicht gültig beschriebene Gattung der Strophariaceae (Agaricales) aus Neukaledonien. Zeitschrift für Mykologie 64: 79–82.

Binder M. (1999). Zur molekularen Systematik der Boletales: Boletineae and Sclerodermatineae subordo nov. Dissertation Universität Regensburg, Nat. Fak. III-Biol. u. Vorkl. Med. 148 pp.

Binder M. & Besl H. (2000). 28S rDNA sequence data and chemotaxonomical analyses on the generic concept of Leccinum (Boletales). A.M.B., Italy. Centro Studi Micologici, Micologia 2000: 71–82. pdf

Prillinger H., Bacigálová K., Lopandic K. & Binder M. (2000). Taphrina padi (Jacz.) Mix in Bayern und der Slowakei. Hoppea 61: 275–294.

Wu S.-H., Hibbett D.S. & Binder M. (2001). Phylogenetic analyses of Aleurodiscus s.l. and allied genera. Mycologia 93: 720–731. pdf

Binder M., Hibbett D.S. & Molitoris H.-P. (2001). Phylogenetic relationships of the marine gasteromycete Nia vibrissa. Mycologia 93: 679–688. pdf

Hibbett D.S. & Binder M. (2001). Evolution of marine mushrooms. The Biological Bulletin 201: 319–322. pdf

Simonini G., Floriani M., Binder M. & Besl H. (2001). Two close extraeuropean Boletes: Boletus violaceofuscus and Boletus separans. Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea 16: 148–170. pdf

Krüger D., Binder M., Fischer M. & Kreisel H. (2001). The Lycoperdaceae. A molecular approach to the systematics of gastroid mushrooms. Mycologia 93: 947–957. pdf

Binder M. & Bresinsky A. (2002). Derivation of a polymorphic lineage of gasteromycetes from boletoid ancestors. Mycologia 94: 85–98. pdf

Wang Z., Binder M. & Hibbett D.S. (2002). Cudonia sichuanensis sp. nov. based on morphological and molecular data. Mycologia 94: 641–650. pdf

Binder M. & Hibbett D.S. (2002). Higher level phylogenetic relationships of homobasidiomycetes (mushroom-forming fungi) inferred from four rDNA regions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 22: 76–90. pdf

Hibbett D.S. & Binder M. (2002). Evolution of complex fruiting body morphologies in homobasidiomycetes. Proceedings of the Royal Society London, Series B 269: 1963–1969. pdf

Binder M. & Bresinsky A. (2002). Retiboletus, a new genus for a species-complex in the Boletaceae producing retipolides. Feddes Repertorium 113: 30–40. pdf

Yang Z.-L., Wang X.-H. & Binder M. (2003). A study of the type and additional materials of Boletus thibetanus. Mycotaxon 86: 283–290. pdf

Hibbett D.S., Binder M., Wang Z. & Goldman Y. (2003). Another fossil agaric from Dominican amber. Mycologia 95: 685–687. pdf

Fischer M. & Binder M. (2004). Species recognition and host-pathogen relationships: a case study in a group of lignicolous basidiomycetes, Phellinus s.l. Mycologia 96: 798-810. pdf

Wang Z., Binder M., Dai Y.-C. & Hibbett D.S. (2004). Phylogenetic relationships of Sparassis inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal DNA and a protein coding gene (rpb2). Mycologia 96: 1013-1027. pdf

Desjardin D., Wang Z., Binder M. & Hibbett D.S. (2004). Sparassis cystidiosa sp. nov. from Thailand is described using morphological and molecular data. Mycologia 96: 1008-1012. pdf

Bodensteiner P., Binder M., Moncalvo J.-M., Agerer R. & Hibbett D.S. (2004). Phylogenetic relationships of cyphelloid homobasidiomycetes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 33: 501-515. pdf

Lutzoni F., Kauff F., Cox C.J., McLaughlin D., Celio G., Dentinger B., Padamsee M., Hibbett D.S., James T., Baloch E., Grube M., Reeb V., Hofstetter V., Schoch C., Arnold E.A., Miadlikowska J., Spatafora J., Johnson D., Hambleton S., Crockett M., Shoemaker R., Sung G.-H., Lücking R., Lumbsch T., O’Donnell K., Binder M., Diederich P., Ertz D., Gueidan C., Hansen K., Harris R.C., Hosaka K., Lim Y.-W., Matheny P.B., Nishida H., Pfister D., Rogers J., Rossman A., Schmitt I., Sipman H., Stone J., Sugiyama J., Yahr R. & Vilgalys R. (2004). Where are we in assembling the fungal tree of life, classifying the fungi, and understanding the evolution of their subcellular traits? American Journal of Botany 91: 1446-1480. pdf

Binder M., Hibbett D.S., Larsson K.-H., Larsson E., Langer E. & Langer G. (2005). The phylogenetic distribution of resupinate forms across the major clades of homobasidiomycetes. Systematics and Biodiversity 3: 113-157. pdf, supplement

Wang Z., Binder M. & Hibbett D.S. (2005) Life history and systematics of the aquatic discomycete Mitrula (Helotiales, Ascomycota) based on cultural, morphological, and molecular studies. American Journal of Botany 92: 1565-1574. pdf

Binder M., Hibbett D.S., Wang Z. & Farnham W.F. (2006). Evolutionary relationships of Mycaureola dilseae (Agaricales), a basidiomycete pathogen of a subtidal rhodophyte. American Journal of Botany 93: 547-556. pdf

Yang Z.-L., Trappe J.M., Binder M., Sanmee R., Lumyong P. & Lumyong S. (2006). The sequestrate genus Rhodactina (Basidiomycota, Boletales) in northern Thailand. Mycotaxon 96: 133-140. pdf

Wang Z., Binder M., Schoch C.L., Johnston P.R., Spatafora J.W. & Hibbett D.S. (2006). Evolution of helotialean fungi (Leotiomycetes, Pezizomycotina): a nuclear rDNA phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 41: 295-312. pdf

Blanco-Dios J.B., Wang Z., Binder M. & Hibbett D.S. (2006). A new Sparassis from Spain described using morphological and molecular data. Mycological Research 110: 1227-1231. pdf

James T., Kauff F., Schoch C., Matheny P.B., Hofstetter V., Cox C., Celio G., Gueidan C., Fraker E., Miadlikowska J., Lumbsch T., Rauhut A., Reeb V., Arnold A.E., Amtoft A., Stajich J., Hosaka K., Sung G.-H., Johnson D., O'Rourke B., Binder M., Curtis J., Slot J., Wang Z., Wilson A., Schüßler A., Longcore J., O'Donnell K., Mozley-Standridge S., Porter D., Letcher P., Powell M., Taylor J., White M., Griffith G., Davies D., Sugiyama J., Rossman A., Rogers J., Pfister D., Hewitt D., Hansen K., Hambleton S., Shoemaker R., Kohlmeyer J., Volkmann-Kohlmeyer B., Spotts R., Serdani M., Crous P., Hughes K., Matsuura K., Langer E., Langer G., Unterreiner W., Lücking R., Büdel B., Geiser D., Aptroot A., Crockett M., Humber R., Diederich P., Morton J., Schmidt I., Schultz M., Yahr R., Hibbett D.S., Lutzoni F., McLaughlin D., Spatafora J. & Vilgalys R. (2006). Reconstructing the early evolution of the Fungi using a six gene phylogeny. Nature 443: 818-822. pdf

Dai Y.-C., Wang Z., Binder M. & Hibbett D.S. (2006). Phylogeny and a new species of Sparassis (Polyporales. Basidiomycota): evidence from mitochondrial atp6, nuclear rDNA, and rpb2 genes. Mycologia 98: 584-592. pdf

Binder M., & Hibbett D.S. (2006). Molecular systematics and biological diversification of Boletales. Mycologia 98: 971-981. pdf and supplement

Louzan R., Wilson A.W., Binder M. & Hibbett D.S. (2007). Phylogenetic placement of Diplocystis wrightii in the Sclerodermatineae (Boletales) based on nuclear ribosomal large subunit DNA sequences. Mycoscience 48: 66-69. pdf

Dempsey B., Hibbett D.S. & Binder M. (2007). Bridging the gap between classrooms and research laboratories. The Science Teacher 74: 33-37. pdf

Matheny P.B., Wang Z., Binder M., Curtis J.M., Lim Y.-W., Nilsson R.H., Hughes K.W., Petersen R.H., Hofstetter V., Ammirati J.F., Schoch C.L., Langer E., McLaughlin D.J., Wilson A.W., Crane P.E., Frøslev T., Ge Z.-W., Kerrigan R.W., Slot J.C., Vellinga E.C., Yang Z.-L., Aime M.C., Baroni T.J., Fischer M., Hosaka K., Matsuura K., Seidl M.T., Vauras J. & Hibbett D.S. (2007). Contributions of rpb2 and tef1 to the phylogeny of mushrooms and allies (Basidiomycota, Fungi). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43: 430-451. pdf

Lawrey J.D., Binder M., Diederich P.M., Molina M.C., Sikaroodi M. & Ertz D. (2007). Phylogenetic diversity of lichen-associated homobasidiomycetes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44: 778-789. pdf

Hibbett D.S., Binder M., Bischoff J.F., Blackwell M., Cannon P.F., Eriksson O.E., Huhndorf S., James T., Kirk P.M, Lücking R., Lumbsch T., Lutzoni F., Matheny P.B., Mclaughlin D.J., Powell M.J., Redhead S.A., Schoch C.L., Spatafora J.W., Stalpers J.A., Vilgalys R., Aime M.C., Aptroot A., Bauer R., Begerow D., Benny G.L., Castlebury L.A., Crous P.W., Dai Y.-C., Gams W., Geiser D.M., Griffith G.W., Gueidan C., Hawksworth D.L., Hestmark G., Hosaka K., Humber R.A., Hyde K., Ironside J.E., Kõljalg U., Kurtzman C.P., K.-H. Larsson, Lichtwardt R., Longcore J., Miadlikowska J., Miller A., Moncalvo J.-M., Mozley-Standridge S., Oberwinkler F., Parmasto E., Reeb V., Rogers J.D., Roux C., Ryvarden L., Sampaio J.P., Schüssler A., Sugiyama J., Thorn R.G., Tibell L., Untereiner W.A., Walker C., Wang Z., Weir A., Weiss M., White M.M., Winka K., Yao Y.-J. & Zhang N. (2007). A higher-level phylogenetyic classification of the fungi. Mycological Research 111: 509-547. pdf

Halling R.E., Baroni T.J. & Binder M. (2007). A new genus of Boletaceae from eastern North America. Mycologia 99: 310-316. pdf

Bidartondo M. et 256 al. (2008). Preserving accuracy in GenBank. Science 319: 1616. [Non peer-reviewed Letter to Science].

Desjardin D.E., Wilson A.W. & Binder M. (2008). Durianella, a new gasteroid genus of boletes from Malaysia. Mycologia 100: 956-961. pdf

Desjardin D.E., Binder M., Roekring S. & Flegel T. (2009). Spongioforma, a new genus of gasteroid boletes from Thailand. Fungal Diversity 37: 1-8. pdf

Binder M., Larsson K.-H., Matheny P.B. & Hibbett D.S. (2010). Amylocorticiales ord. nov. and Jaapiales ord. nov.: Early-diverging clades of Agaricomycetidae dominated by corticioid forms. Mycologia 102: 865-880. pdf

Goshroy S., Binder M., Tartar A. & Robertson D.L. (2010). Molecular evolution of glutamine synthetase II: Phylogenetic evidence of a non-endosymbiotic gene transfer event early in plant evolution. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:198  doi:10.1186/1471-2148-10-198. pdf

Wilson A.W., Binder M. & Hibbett D.S. (2011). Effects of fruiting body morphology on diversification rates in three independent clades of fungi estimated using binary state speciation and extinction analyses. Evolution 65: 1305-1322. pdf

García-Sandoval R., Wang Z., Binder M. & Hibbett D.S. (2011). Molecular phylogenetics of the Gloeophyllales and relative ages of clades of Agaricomycotina producing a brown rot. Mycologia 103: 510-524. pdf

Skrede I, Engh I. B., Binder M., Carlsen T., Kauserud H. & Bendiksby M. (2011). Evolutionary history of Serpulaceae (Basidiomycota): molecular phylogeny, historical biogeography and evidence for a single transition of nutritional mode. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 230. (doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-230). pdf

Eastwood D. C.*, Floudas D.*, Binder M.*, Majcherczyk A.*, Schneider P.*, Aerts A., Asiegbu F. O., Baker S. E., Barry K., Bendiksby M., Blumentritt M., Coutinho P. M., Cullen D., de Vries R. P., Gathman A., Goodell B., Henrissat B., Ihrmark K., Kauserud H., Kohler A., LaButti K., Lapidus A., Lavin J. L., Lee Y.-H., Lindquist E., Lilly W., Lucas S., Morin E., Murat C., Oguiza J. A., Park J., Pisabarro A. G., Riley R., Rosling A., Salamov A., Schmidt O., Schmutz J., Skrede I., Stenlid J., Wiebenga A., Xie X., Kües U., Hibbett D. S., Hoffmeister D., Högberg N., Martin F., Grigoriev I. V., & Watkinson S. C. (2011). Evolution of plant cell wall degrading machinery underlies the functional diversity of forest fungi. Science 333: 672-675. [DOI:10.1126/science.1205411] * These authors contributed equally to this study as first authors).

Neves M.-A., Binder M., Halling R. E., Hibbett D. S. & Soytong K. (2012). The phylogeny of selected Phylloporus species, inferred from NUC-LSU and ITS sequences, and descriptions of new species from the Old World. Fungal Diversity DOI 10.1007/s13225-012-0154-0 (online first).

Padamsee M., Kumar T. K. A., Riley R., Binder M., Boyd A., Calvo A. M., Furukawa K., Hesse C., Hohmann S., James T. Y., LaButti K., Lapidus A., Lindquist E., Lucas S., Miller K., Shantappa S., Grigoriev I. V., Hibbett D. S., McLaughlin D. J., Spatafora J. W. & Aime M. C. (2012). The genome of the xerotolerant mold Wallemia sebi reveals adaptations to osmotic stress and suggests cryptic sexual reproduction. Fungal Genetics and Biology http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fgb.2012.01.007 (online first).