
These pages, which rapidly become out of date, contain pictures and information about the people currently connected with our lab. For an overview of the major projects in our lab, go to the Current Research page or browse our Publications. Former lab members are listed on a separate page.

Seated, left to right: Manfred Binder, Ingo Morgenstern, David Hibbett, Andy Wilson. Standing: Zheng Wang, Brandon Matheny, Jason Slot. March, 2005.


Farewell party for Henrik Nilsson. Seated, left to right: Henrik, Manfred Binder, Brandon Matheny, Judd Curtis. Standing: Sohini Ghoshroy (graduate student in Deborah Robertson's lab), Philomena Bodensteiner, Zheng Wang, Margit Binder, Andy Wilson, ?, ?. June 30, 2004.


Lab fund-raiser. Clockwise from Zai-Wei Ge: Zai-Wei Ge, Andy Wilson, Manfred Binder, Brandon Matheny, Ingo Morgenstern, Stephanie Matheny, Rich King (graduate student in Susan Foster's lab), disembodied arm. March, 2004.


Seated, left to right: Zai-Wei Ge, Ingo Morgenstern, Brandon Matheny, Andy Wilson; Standing, left to right: Zheng Wang, Philomena Bodensteiner, Manfred Binder, Jason Slot, Danielle Stehlik, David Hibbett. December 2003.



Clockwise from center: Brandon Matheny, Ingo Morgenstern, Manfred Binder, Philomena Bodensteiner, Viola Hibbett. August, 2003.


Left to right: Ingo Morgenstern, Greta Goranova, David Hibbett, Zheng Wang, Manfred Binder, Andy Wilson. Spring, 2003


Manfred Binder, Zheng Wang, and Amanda Little. Spring 2001 (?).

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