The Larochelle Lab
at Clark University

Lab Protocols


.... Fix cells. Block 1 hour in 1:20 goat serum in 1X PBS. Wash 5 mins with 1X PBS. Add primary antibody in PBS in proper dilution. Incubate 1 hour at RT. Wash 3X with 1XPBS, once quickly, and twice for at least 20 minutes. Add secondary antibody in PBS in proper dilution. Incubate 1 hour at RT or overnight in the cold room. Wash 3X with 1XPBS, once quickly, and twice for at least 20 minutes. Mount slides with 50% glycerol + 10 mg/mL DABCO and store in the dark.

Links | About Prof Larochelle
Clark Biology Dept | Clark University

Worcester, MA | 508.793.7631 |