Selected Publications!

Lyerla, T.A. 2007. Scientific detectives solve ashen mutant problem. Blood 109 (4): 1.

Lyerla, T.A., M. Borchers, G. Jahreis, J. Tan, P. Ohtake, E.K. Novak, R.T. Swank. 2003. Abberant lung structure, composition and function in a murine model of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 285(3): L643-L653.

Delprato, A., S. Raghavan,T.A. Lyerla. 2000. An established light ear mutant (C57BL/6J-Pdeb (rd1) le) mouse cell line exhibits a block to secretion of lysosomal enzymes. Exp. Cell. Res. 256(1): 315-320.

Davis, S.G., T.A. Lyerla. 1997. The effect of lysosomotropic amines on beige mouse cells. Exp. Cell. Res. 237(1): 242-245.

Gama Sosa, M., R. De Gasperi, S. Undevia, J. Yeretsian, S. Rouse, T.A. Lyerla, and E.H. Kolodny. 1996. Correction of the galactocerebrosidase deficiency in globoid cell leukodystrophy cultured cells by SL3-3 retrovirus-mediated gene transfer. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 218: 766-771.

Gow, J.-B., S. Lainwala, and T.A. Lyerla. 1996. Enlarged dysmorphic lysosomes in an established beige (C57BL/;bgÍ/bgÍ) mouse mutant fibroblast line: A reversible characteristic. In Vitro Cell Develop. Biol. 32A: 457-461.

Gross, S.K., T.A. Lyerla, J.E. Evans, and R.H. McCluer. 1994. Expression of glycosphingolipids in serum-free primary cultures of mouse kidney cells: Male-female differences and androgen sensitivity. Molec. Cell. Biochem. 137: 25-31.

Gow, J.-B., S. Lainwala, and T.A. Lyerla. 1993. Cellular expression of the beige mouse mutation and its correction in hybrids with control human fibroblasts. In Vitro Cell Develop. Biol. 29A: 884-891.

Gross, S.K., T.A. Lyerla, M.A. Williams, and R.H. McCluer. 1992. The accumulation and metabolism of glycosphingolipids in primary kidney cell cultures from beige mice. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 118: 61-66.

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