Sensors (Ion-selective electrodes, ISEs)

Sensors (Ion-selective electrodes, ISE’s): In collaboration with the McGraw and Radu labs, we seek to better understand the effect of polymer structure on the ion transporting ability and the durability of the ISE’s active layers. More details about the development and end-use of these sensors can be found in the McGraw group’s web page and the Radu group’s webpage.

-Mendecki, L., Chen, X., Callan, N., Thompson, D. F., Schazmann, B., Granados-Focil, S., Radu,

A.Doyle,  Simple, Robust, and Plasticizer-Free Iodide-selective Sensor Based on

Copolymerized  Triazole-based Ionic Liquid. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88 (8), 4311. Link

-Mendecki, L.M., Fayose, T., Stockmal, K.A., Wei, J., Granados-Focil, S., McGraw, C.M., Radu, 

A., Robust and ultrasensitive polymer membrane-based carbonate selective

electrodes. Analytical Chemistry., 2015, 87 (15), 7515. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b01756)

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