Signing up for the Great Labor Day Mosquito Count

We are interested in expanding this collecting network.  In particular, we hope to find more participants in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and central and western Pennsylvania, as well as the Gulf Coast region, but we're also interested in any sites from the Great Plains and eastward.

We ask for a commitment to participate in three consecutive years.  In exchange, we'll provide all materials, shipping costs, and feedback when results are available.  We'll continue to add to our web content, and work to improve ideas for class and student projects.

To express interest in participating in the Great Labor Day Mosquito Count in future years, please provide the following:

Name and contact information (with August shipping address)

Organization and location

Approximate number of students to be involved

Grade levels of students

Click here to send an e-mail response to
Many thanks,

Todd Livdahl and students